
OTA vs. PTA:
These are the 4 Key Differences

Difference Between Occupational Therapy Assistant vs. 物理治疗师助理

你是否喜欢和别人一起工作,并在帮助他们变得更好的过程中找到成就感? You may be considering a career in healthcare. 有很多值得, 在这个领域快速发展的职业道路,你可以在短短两年的学习中进行培训.

喜欢动手的人有两种选择,包括职业治疗助理(OTA)和物理治疗师助理(PTA)。. These two roles have similar-sounding names. Both involve helping patients regain mastery over movement. 然而,在线旅行社和pta在医疗保健系统中具有不同的目的、患者和功能. Here are four major differences between OTAs and PTAs.

1. OTAs and PTAs focus on different types of movement.

而ota和pta都可以帮助患者伸展和锻炼, those exercises have very different purposes.

物理治疗的重点是帮助人们从伤害或疾病中恢复过来,这些伤害或疾病限制了他们的活动能力. PTAs focus on helping patients regain range of motion, strength and flexibility in the affected areas of the body, improve balance and coordination, 缓解疼痛.

职业治疗的目的是帮助人们学会完成独立生活的任务或履行工作职能. 这可能是对受伤或疾病的反应,导致需要长期或永久的适应. 它也可以是对永久性身体、精神或发育残疾的反应.

2. OTAs and PTAs complete different types of tasks.

理疗师的目标是帮助他们的病人,指导他们完成理疗师计划的一系列锻炼. PTAs will also help patients learn to use adaptive equipment, 比如拐杖, 假肢或轮椅. 此外,pta还会进行按摩治疗,并可能使用超声波或水疗设备.

OTAs will coach patients through performing daily tasks. This may involve stretching and other therapeutic exercises, 但职业治疗更多的是培养信心和适应残疾,而不是恢复力量. OTAs may help people adapt to permanent injuries—for example, 帮助失去手指的人使用特殊设备来养活自己. 在线教师与患有发育障碍的儿童一起工作,如自闭症谱系障碍(ASD),并帮助他们发展社交和游戏技能.

ota和pta都有, however, 是否需要在治疗前清洁和准备治疗设备,并保存每位患者的进展记录. 在一些实践中, 在线旅行社和教师教师协会也可能有文书工作——接听电话, arranging appointments or referrals, and managing insurance claims or billing issues.

3. OTAs and PTAs see different types of patients.

物理治疗的病人会从一个特定的事件中恢复过来, 是否是运动损伤, a surgery, or an illness that has impacted motor function, 比如中风.

职业治疗患者在独立生活中执行任务有困难. 这可能包括从特定事件中恢复的人, 但也接纳那些在学习或工作中需要额外支持的发育障碍儿童(儿科)和成人.

4. OTAs and PTAs need slightly different skill sets.

ota和pta都需要对患者表现出同情和尊重. 这两个角色都需要清晰的沟通、解决问题的能力和耐心. 他们还需要成为专业的激励者,即使运动变得具有挑战性或不舒服,也能帮助患者保持运动.

PTAs need physical strength and stamina. PTAs often help move or support patients during exercises. 力量和耐力对于提供按摩治疗也很重要.

在线旅行社与语言或其他交流能力有限的人一起工作,需要特殊的“读人”技能,以评估患者如何处理他们的治疗过程. 积极的态度是必须的.

共同点是什么?? Strong job & 薪水前景.

Finally, 在线旅行社和在线旅行社有两个主要共同点:良好的年收益, and strong employment demand from 2022-2032.

OTA vs. PTA工作前景
工作/职业Proj. increase
Occupational Therapy Assistant26%
All job outlook data courtesy of the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

OTAs and PTAs also have very similar salaries. Here’s how much they make on average:

工作/职业Per yearPer hour
Occupational Therapy Assistant$66,280$31.86
All salary data courtesy of the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Discover how much a physical therapist assistant makes.

Train to become a PTA with Herzing大学

如果你想 become a physical therapist assistant, 你需要获得副学士学位并通过执照/认证考试才能在你所在的州执业.


Our program features clinical experience opportunities, 在线教育课堂作业, benefits and training materials included in tuition, and financial aid for those who qualify. Find out how you can get started today!



* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2022 /职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, geography market in which you want to work and degree field, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, promotion, salary increase or other career growth.



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